Friday, December 3, 2010

Buttered Popcorn

Hmmm. First 'mom' post. I think the hardest thing I've been trying to come to grips with as a mom is the smell of breastfed infant diapers. Somewhere I've been told that they smell like buttered popcorn. I don't know about you, but I LOVE buttered popcorn, so naturally I was psyched that it might possibly smell OK. Oh contraire. sp? When I smell newly popped (popped looks a lot like pooped!) microwave popcorn, I crave it! I can truly say that I don't crave anything when I get a whiff of those bad boy diapers. Maybe I crave the inability to smell, but I for sure do NOT crave buttered popcorn. I know I was dumb to get my hopes up, but I can't help feeling disappointed every time I changer her. Oh, and if you're a new mom who is reading this - enjoy the smell now because it only gets so much worse!!


  1. Merry, I am going to really enjoy reading these. I can tell already. I have never heard the popcorn thing, but it's hysterical! Personally, I think it smells more like cheddar cheese, which makes sense to me since cheese is fermented milk! However, changing poopy diapers doesn't make me crave anything except maybe a vacation! By the way, I enjoy the "ADHD" side of you, too. Keep up the good work!

  2. Yeah, doesn't matter what they're fed, the only (non-offensive) adjective that suits is "disgusting".

    I don't do well with poopy diapers... The worst is when you can identify parts of the contents... /wretch!
