You know you're a mom when...
10. It's a luxury to have an uninterrupted shower.
9. It's totally acceptable to bathe your kids with baby wipes. (I know, a repeat)
8. You discover baby puke down the front of your shirt 2 miles away from home and couldn't care less because you're out of the house alone.
7. The five second rule becomes the five hour rule or even the five day rule. Who cares if my kid wants to eat an animal cracker I told him to pick up off the floor five days ago? He doesn't seem to care and we're not on the subway or anything.
6. It's normal for you to stick your finger in your kid's diaper (without realizing it) to see if it's dirty. (I don't actually do this, but I do hold my kid's butt up to my nose and smell it, which I think is almost as gross.)
4. You think pureed apples and cinnamon by Gerber might possibly be able to substitute for your apple pie filling. (??? not sure where that came from-I'm always amazed when adults think pureed baby food tastes good.)
3. You're excited to go food shopping and then proceed to talk to everyone who works there because you're just so darn happy to be out of the house.
2. You secretly wish there was a johnny jumper adult version made for you...
1. And the number one way you know you're a mom is... when you're so filled up with love you feel like you're going to explode when those little hands and feet come running to hug you. :)
Alright, I know number one is a softee. I was going to write -when your deodorant runs out in public and you go to use a baby wipe to make it better, but I thought that was over the top. I've never done that. In public. :) If I just had time for a shower, I wouldn't need to use baby wipes! hahaha just kidding. Well, that was the best I could do for this naptime...