Friday, March 4, 2011

Not that you asked...

I've been thinking lately of the best advice or lesson I've received about my marriage and thought I'd share it. I've heard it from more than one person, but I think the Church teaches it as well and that's where I believe I heard it first. It's really simple but so amazing. Put your spouse first. Love him or her first and then focus on the kids, yourself, everyone else. 

Of course we need to Love God first but then love your spouse. I love the look my kids get when Kevin and I hug each other. Shea always has to run in between us saying, "I want hugs! I want hugs!" But that makes perfect sense since his whole being was created from our love. Even Meara, at six months, squeals with delight when I show her a picture of us together. I believe it's intrinsic and makes a child feel so whole when their parents show their love for each other. I was talking to one of my friends about this and he comes from a divorced family. He confirmed what I said by saying, "When my parents didn't get along, all I wanted from my whole being was for them to love each other. I wanted to do absolutely anything for that to happen and that was all that mattered to me." I think it's so easy to get caught up in the day to day, -"The kids need this, the kids need that, I'm exhausted, etc." to the point you don't even connect with your spouse until you're exhausted at the end of the day. Kev and I have tried to make a point to give each other at least one decent hug a day and as silly as that sounds it has done wonders for both of us. It solidifies that we're 'team' in the whole parenting thing, and it shows our kids where our priorities are at. We love our kids so much more when we love each other.

I know I have a lot to learn when it comes to marriage and stuff, but this has been such a blessing. Thanks Kev!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm that blogger...

So I did it!! I'm that blogger (blahher ;) that only wrote for one month and one day!! Arg! I always wondered why that happens -besides life being busy. Now I know, but in my case it's odd. I actually got sleep. Sleep. Sleep. I'm still trying to believe in this word. It was really hard to let our baby 'cry it out' and I still have mixed feelings about it, but I'm amazed that I can lie her down in her crib and she falls asleep. This is a phenomenon (thank you spell check!) that my two year old is still working on. Anyway, with sleep came a whole new adventure called 'getting my life back.' I know moms don't ever really get their life back, and there's a cool beauty in that, but I'm beginning to be able to think again. Which means I have less of a need to spew my brains (gross) which means less blogging. There. I figured it out- thanks for your patience. :)

Two thoughts that have seriously overwhelmed me this past month are: 1. I'm so overwhelmed with gratitude that I'm able to be a mom, and 2. the answer to true freedom and joy in life is to let God Love you. Yup, I think I just said I have the answer to everyone's problems. Ha! Seriously though, people have always commented to me that I seem truly happy (not that I always am, of course) but I realize it's because I invited God to come into my life and be Him. Loving Him. (God is Love so it's a pretty cool deal) I have no other motive right now than to explain the freedom I have in my life. Every time I feel anxiety that something could happen to anyone I love, I just have to let go and know God takes care of us. Even when bad things happen He takes care of us. Why does God let bad things happen? Because God has not taken away our free will and evil exists in our world and that combination allows bad things to happen. It's deeper than that and more involved I'm sure, but all I know is that when I asked God to take over my life, it became more beautiful than I could have ever dreamed of. Really. (I have two little munchkins and an amazing husband to prove it. :)

Well, that was deep. 'Deep thoughts by Merry.' Remember that SNL skit? hehe.  I haven't had much time to reread this, but I'm determined to put up another post since it's March 2 and my goal is to do little blurbs at least 10 times this month. Since I feel so grateful, instead of spoofing motherhood, I'm hoping to offer fun thoughts and awesome advice I've received. blah, blah, blah. :) Thanks if you read this!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

You know you're a mom when...

I always liked David Letterman's top 10 and lately I've found my own going through my head. I know I may sound like I'm trying too hard to be funny, but maybe I am. Maybe I just need a laugh. :)  (some of these are facebook repeats...)

You know you're a mom when...

10. It's a luxury to have an uninterrupted shower.

9. It's totally acceptable to bathe your kids with baby wipes. (I know, a repeat)

8. You discover baby puke down the front of your shirt 2 miles away from home and couldn't care less because you're out of the house alone.

7. The five second rule becomes the five hour rule or even the five day rule. Who cares if my kid wants to eat an animal cracker I told him to pick up off the floor five days ago? He doesn't seem to care and we're not on the subway or anything.

6. It's normal for you to stick your finger in your kid's diaper (without realizing it) to see if it's dirty. (I don't actually do this, but I do hold my kid's butt up to my nose and smell it, which I think is almost as gross.)

5. You check your pants before you put them on in the morning to see how much baby puke is on them. If it's only a little, they're ok. (I think most people get 2 or 3 wears out of pants before washing them again, right?)

4. You think pureed apples and cinnamon by Gerber might possibly be able to substitute for your apple pie filling. (??? not sure where that came from-I'm always amazed when adults think pureed baby food tastes good.)  

3. You're excited to go food shopping and then proceed to talk to everyone who works there because you're just so darn happy to be out of the house.

2. You secretly wish there was a johnny jumper adult version made for you...

1. And the number one way you know you're a mom is... when you're so filled up with love you feel like you're going to explode when those little hands and feet come running to hug you.  :)

Alright, I know number one is a softee. I was going to write -when your deodorant runs out in public and you go to use a baby wipe to make it better, but I thought that was over the top. I've never done that. In public. :) If I just had time for a shower, I wouldn't need to use baby wipes! hahaha just kidding. Well, that was the best I could do for this naptime...